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Bows and accesories

We currently offer four types of wooden bows, which differ in shape and workmanship. Classic bows are specific in that the bark is left on the front of the bow. This technology allows us to achieve higher draw forces (up to 80 lbs). Luxury bows have the bark removed around the entire circumference, mimicking the bows used in the Middle Ages.

The term recurve means that the bow has the shoulders at the ends bent in the direction of shooting, which increases the performance of the bow. 

Výběr luků

calm and durable


noble and elegant


fast and rebelious


warrior no matter what


no shot without them


practical and aesthetic

Why are we using rattan?

Calamus rotang, or rattan, is a liana-like plant classified as a palm, native to the tropics. It is very flexible, can be shaped well and can withstand a lot. It is also often used to make baskets or furniture.


Wooden bows are traditional, eco-friendly and usually quiet when shot (compared to fiberglass bows, for example). Our rattan bows are light, strong, fast and durable. What more could you ask for?


I have been making bows since about 2000. I have used a variety of materials, some of which have proven more successful, some less so. The impetus for making rattan bows came from the information that somewhere in my neighborhood in western Bohemia lived a man who made rattan bows as props for the movie Lord of the Rings. I have not met this man personally, but I have held one of his rattan bows in my hand. After I tried it on, I said to myself "okay, I want this too." It took some time to work my way through the source of the material, the manufacturing and processing techniques and today it is up to you to judge for yourself how I did it. DK

Jak vybrat luk

How to choose a bow

The right choice of bow will ensure its owner true enjoyment of shooting. Archery can be a physically quite demanding sport, but recreational shooting should primarily bring joy and relaxation.

The strength of the bow when drawn to the declared arrow length is marked on the bow in pounds (1 lbs = 0.453 kg). According to this value, everyone can choose as powerful bow as desired. A typical pulling force is about 35-45 pounds for men, ten pounds less for women. In practice, however, the choice is completely individual and should be based on body proportions and physical strength. The higher the strength of the bow, the flatter the curve of the arrow's descent (i. e. the aiming is easier and the arrow can overcome greater distances). However, if the bow is too strong, your arms can hurt and you will not enjoy the shooting. In addition, excessive effort when pulling the bow can lead to errors in the shooting style over time, and young shooters, who are still in physical development, there can be unwanted overloading of the figure. Therefore, especially during training, lighter bows should be used and the load should be increased gradually.

It is important to remember that you also need other equipment for archery. A bow and arrows are basis, but you should also equip yourself with forearm and finger guards of the fingers that pull the bowstring. Remember, that the same equipment has been used by archers since ancient times. 


If you are thinking of buying a bow, contact us and together we can choose a bow right for you.

Something about the history of archery

The bow has accompanied man since ancient times. Even in the Bible, already in its first book, there is a passage about an archer. How did such a significant discovery come about? Most likely, there was a bright observer among our ancestors who noticed how strong a young, flexible sapling can swing when bent and suddenly released. A combination with a miniature spear might have given birth to a weapon that had been changing the face of the world for thousands of years. Over time people have been discovering the most suitable materials and ways to modify the bow to have the longest possible range. According to cave paintings, it can be concluded that prehistoric bows reached a length of over two meters. The arrows were also long, up to one meter. Initially, the arrow was simply a stick with one sharp end, but it didn't take long for the arrows to be given obsidian heads and stabilizing quills for a more accurate flight. 

Various types of bows were part of the armament of armies until the arrival of crossbows and firearms.

First armies of archers

The oldest armies had units of archers in their ranks. If we look at the Assyrian archers, we find out that for several centuries the equipment of the archers showed no significant change. Archers fought not only in infantry formations, but also on fast two-wheeled chariots. They represented a significant fighting force. Enemies were killed at a distance and at great speed without endangering the warriors themselves. 


The Greeks made archery an Olympic sport. It was a part of the games since it originated. Archers, however, remained as an important force in armies as wel. One of the famous stories comes from the Battle of Thermopylae. When word came to the Spartan soldiers that the Persians would shoot so many arrows at them that they would eclipse the sun, they remarked, "That's good, at least we'll be fighting in the shade." The bow as a typical weapon began to slowly move to the east. The people of the wide steppes brought it nearly to technical perfection.

The jewel of archery – the reflex bow

Scythians, Avars, Huns, Mongols, Tatars, Turks. Steppe people turned a tool once carved from a single piece of wood into a masterpiece. Their reflective bows were composed of different materials with different properties. Various types of wood, slices of antelope horn, leather, and animal sinew in sandwich layers gave rise to a bow that was not long, but had a a great pulling power of around 150 pounds (1 pound = 0.453 kg). Asian peoples stretch the string in a different way than Europeans, and that is with the thumb. Small dimensions of the bows were important for horsemen who brought the surrounding nations to their knees with their bows. Their expansion was stopped only by the armored knights of Europe on one side and China on the other.

Archers determining battles

Europe went in a different direction. Here, the bow was still made from one type of wood and reached large dimensions. The Celts and Germans brought their ash and yew bows to a high degree of technical perfection. The first major battle that was largely determined by archers was the Battle of Hastings. The troops of William, Duke of Norman, and Anglo-Saxon Duke Harald II. met on October 14, 1066 near the town of Hastings. The conflict was about nothing less than the English throne. The contemporary chronicler William of Poitiers describes the beginning of the battle: "The horns screamed terribly and the Norman infantry, approaching the English, irritated them with arrows that sowed wounds and death." The even battle was probably decided by an arrow that hit Harald in the eye. The death of the leader of the Anglo-Saxons encouraged the Normans and they led the battle to final victory. By the way - it is at the Battle of Hastings that we first encounter a description of the use of crossbows. Duke William's army had crossbowmen as storm troops.

The most famous battle of the Hundred Years' War showed the true superiority of an army equipped with archery corps. On August 13, 1346, the 20,000-strong army of King Edward of England clashed near the village of Crécy-en-Ponthieu with the united armies led by the King of France. The French had a threefold advantage and in their ranks was also the Czech King John of Luxembourg with his knights. The battle is more famous simply under the name Battle of Crécy. At the head of the French army was a rank of Genoese crossbowmen. However, their shots landed harmlessly far in front of the English lines. On the other hand, the rain of English long arrows falling continuously on the enemies had crushing consequences. Most of the French attacks ended up under the heads of English arrows. Ony a few of the tens of thousands of dead did not die as a result of the English archery. Even Charles IV, who participated in the fight alongside his father, was wounded by an arrow there.

Robin Hood & Long Bow

The most famous archer of the Middle Ages is without a doubt Robin Hood. A noble fighting as a crusade with King Richard the Lionheart, losing his property after returning home due to intrigues. Then he hid in Sherwood Forest and lead a guerrilla war with Prince John of Leckland, who ruled England during the absence of his royal brother. It is still disputed whether Robin was merely a literary figure or an actual warrior. Then it would probably be Robert Earl of Huntington, who is buried in Kirklar Abbey. The true thing is definitely the existence of his famous weapon, the long English bow or Long Bow. These bows used to be made of ash or yew, were around two meters long, and drew up to 150 pounds. These were based on the tradition of long bows produced by the Celts and Vikings. In medieval England, a system of archery education was also established. During the reign of Henry VIII. it was the duty of every citizen to practice archery. The training of elite shooters began at the age of eight, and the training lasted up to ten hours a day.

Kyudo, the art of shooting

The Japanese made archery an art. The martial art of kyudo was described by the Japanese master Heki Danjō in 1480. It evolved from kyūjutsu, martial archery. Kyūdō is considered the ultimate test of self, consisting of bow, arrow and archer. It strives to improve one's personality. Kyudo values concentration, harmonious movements coupled with breathing and perfect conscious control so that there is a true fusion of body and spirit, rather than simply hitting the target. 

The Japanese bow is asymmetrical, 1/3 of the length is below the point of grip, 2/3 above it. With its length of 2.20 - 2.30 meters it is the longest bow in the world. The upper part symbolizes heaven, the middle man and the lower earth. The string is stretched all the way past the shooter's ear, the arrows are thus very long. For 1000 years, bows have been made mainly from bamboo slats. Arrows are shot in pairs, one arrow is yin, the other yang. The string is stretched with the thumb and the arrow is guided along the right side of the bow, as it is done by all Asian archers.


Most people today have a bow associated with the Native Americans. The original inhabitants of both American continents were excellent marksmen. In the Maya and Inca armies, there were corps of archers from the Amazon forests who were said to be able to hit a bird several meters in the eye. Moreover, the tips of their arrows were often poisoned, so that a scratch was enough for the opponent to be helpless. The Spanish conquistadors became very familiar with this, and even steel armor did not help them. North American Indians used bows mainly for hunting, they only became a weapon of war with the arrival of the whites. Fighting at a distance was not in accordance with the Indian concept of war honor, which required direct contact with the enemy.

Back home

We have to start the history of archery in the Stone Age again. Arrowheads made of flint in archaeological finds clearly prove that the oldest inhabitants of the Czech basin were bow hunters. The first historical inhabitants of Bohemia were the Celts, who, as we already know, were also excellent archers. Yew groves on the slopes of the mountains provided plenty of suitable material. Perhaps this is why the yew tree was worshiped as a tree dedicated to the goddess of death. Bronze and iron arrowheads are frequent archaeological finds. Interestingly, bronze points were most often cast in molds, while iron points were forged. Sandstone string straighteners and shale handguards were also found. The Czech Kingdom did not escape the medieval archery development and the Czech army was also equipped with archery units. During the reign of Charles IV. Prague archers got their shooting range under the ramparts of the royal castle near the Powder Gate. While shooting from a bow was earlier mainly done by the nobility, under the reign of Charles IV. archery became an exercise for everyone. The archers received great support from the emperor himself, the city councilors of Prague and a number of Czech and Moravian cities. Shooting competitions were held, culminating in archery festivities at Pentecost. All walks of life were involved in this sport, cities competed for the best individuals and teams. The Prague archers were the most numerous archery corps. The development of archery went so far that it was shot all over Prague's gardens and it started to become a dangerous pastime. In order to avoid the danger of frequent injuries, the river islands Štvanice and Střelecký ostrov were permanently assigned to the archers.

After the White Mountain battle archery corps disappeared and numerous manufacturers of bows, arrows and quivers as well. The Thirty Years' War brought modern firearms to the scene, and bows became just an echo of the past. One of the last mentions of archers as part of the army is in a book called "F. L. Věk" from a famous czech writer Alois Jirásek, where it tells about the parade of General Suvorov's troops on the Karlin field before the campaign to France. At the parade, formations of Tatars with bows were admired.

Elven archers

Today's youth have archers associated primarily with the genre of fantasy and elves. These beings are actually an allegory of ancient warriors, they live in harmony with nature, they are noble and as archers no one can match them. In fantasy, everything is possible, yet most authors derive the archery skills of elves from ancient archery arts. 

Most people still associate archery with something noble. The bow has firmly entered the human subconscious over the millennia. Don't hesitate and go on a journey with a tool that has gone through the whole human history. However, don't be discouraged by initial failures if there are any. Be conscious, that archery is a demanding discipline, but it is sefinitely worth it.


Equipment of a medieval archer 

Typy luků

Types of bows

Straight bow

The arms of a straight bow are straight throughout their entire length before being drawn. Only their cross-section changes, i.e. they taper from the center to the ends.

Some native nations still use such bows today as a weapon and they are by no means to be underestimated. In our country, shooting from straight bows (the long-bow category) is rising again.

During the period of military expansion of this weapon (ca. 1300-1500 AD), the pulling forces used gradually increased from 70 pounds (1 pound = 0.453 kg) to roughly 150 pounds (ca 68 kg), as can be seen in the case of the bows found on the sunken ship Mary Rose. Basically any culture that used bows for military purposes against armored enemies arrived at a similar result after some development, i.e. 80-150 lbs bows with very heavy hardwood arrows. The advantage of strong bows lies in the ability to shoot a very heavy arrow, which, thanks to its weight and thus high kinetic energy, pierces enemy armor.

Reflex bow

The next stage of development is the reversible or reflex bow. Itcharacteristic feature is that when tensioning the string on the bow, the ends of the arms must be reversed from their original shape against the direction of the shot. However, the ends of the arms visibly retain the tendency to return to this initial shape even when the bowstring is stretched. Reflexes significantly affect the performance of the bow and the speed of the shot. The performance of a reflex bow is significantly higher than the performance of a direct bow. But the bow behaves restlessly in the shot and its recoil is transferred to the shooter's hand. The swing of the shoulders also results in a less acurate shooting. 

Deflection bow

In an effort to eliminate the negative oscillations of the reflex bow, a deep or deflection bow was created. The center of the bow is made in such a way that the arms coming out of it tilt significantly towards the shooter, even before the string is tensioned. The ends of the arms are equipped with reflexes, which are also visible with this bow even after tensioning the string. The performance of the deflection bow is lower than that of the reflex bow, but it behaves more calmly in the firing phase and is more reliable in terms of hitting accuracy.

Deflection reflex bow

The deflection-reflex bow was created as a combination of a reflex and a deflection bow. It combines the high performance of a reflex bow and the considerable accuracy of a deflection bow. The center of the bow is deflected, which ensures the quality of shooting, the arms are significantly reflexive and give the arrow a great initial speed. Due to its excellent properties, this type of bow is also used in contemporary competitive archery.

Compound bow

Compound bows use the pulley principle when bending the arms. They are equipped with two pulleys, mounted on the ends of the arms, which, depending on the design of the bow and the needs of the archers, have different sizes and shapes. The pulleys and thus the arms (which are much shorter compared to reflex bows) are connected by tension ropes to which the bowstring is attached, or the ropes and bowstring are made of one piece. For use in competitions organized according to FITA rules, pulley bows can have a maximum power of 60 lbs. However, this performance is still quite large, and when overcoming the first resistance of the bow during the draw, considerable force must be exerted for a short time. However, as soon as the pulleys are involved in the tensioning of the bow, the tensioning force gradually decreases by 1/3 to 2/3, depending on the type of the pulleys. After the pulleys have completed their rotation, further tensioning is basically no longer possible, thereby signaling the end of tensioning. Thus, during aiming, the shooter does not hold the full power of the bow in the draw, but only a part of it.

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